Dreams submitted in this section may or may not be interpreted. This is a place for those who need interpretations to get assistance and for those site members learning about Biblical Dream Interpretation to practice what they have been learning. While interpretations may be posted by any site visitor, Michael's students will identify themselves and Moderators will be identified by the forum's system. Michael may or may not comment on interpretations provided by those who are not in the DreamSIM mentoring program. Dreams submitted here will generally have a 10-14 day delay prior to Michael (longer if Michael is traveling or if DreamSIM is between class terms, until additional moderators have been released ) or a moderator posting an interpretation. This gives students a chance to post and then compare their interpretation to what is posted by the Dream Stories team.
If you submit a dream, you should keep in mind that unless the interpretation provided is submitted by Michael or an approved moderator, then the answer you get is primarily for training purposes and may or may not be a correct interpretation. Follow the following guidelines for the best results in getting help in the interpretation of your dream:
Please DO NOT post more than 2 dreams per month
Please post all dreams as questions and if you received more than one answer please make a note of which interpretation was most helpful.
Keep the dream short - generally speaking dreams longer than this guide are too long to get interpreted via the forum (longer dreams may be interpreted when time allows, but please do not count on this)
Do not provide background information, just share the dream itself
Please indicate any colors that stood out in the dream
When asked for a "Post Title" please give a title to your dream as though you were creating a title for a book or movie.
Be sure to mention emotions or how you felt both within the dream and when you woke up
If a person appearing in your dream has a specific relationship to you or role in your life, be sure to explain (ie, "Ann is my sister" or "John is my pastor")
If your dream goes more than 14 days without receiving a response from Michael or another moderator, please re-post the dream with the title - "REPOST - {Original Post Title}" Keep in mind that between DreamSIM class terms dreams can go longer without being responded to.
Please, please, please give feedback to the students as to whether their interpretations make sense or not. They are not offended if you say it does not make sense or that you don't know if it is accurate. It helps them to grow and learn to know your honest opinion of the interpretation as the dreamer and not just hear from a moderator as to what they think.