Dream 1 of 2. I see the end of the street I lived on as a child. There were now traffic lights at the end/t section but they are not working yet, seems like they are newly installed. They were not there in real life as a child or now to my knowledge.
Then Im with Anne at a house, not known although I briefly remember a quick view of another house in that area I grew up in in the countryside. Her husband and others are at a table in another room. Anne and I go outside into a shed or garage type building, she wants to climb up a kind of ladder and see the traffic lights from the rooftop or upper room but she falls, even though I suggested she didn’t go up there as she was pregnant (also in real life). I see blood on her shirt near her stomach. I try to get her to the hospital. We are walking on the left side of the road at a blind turn/curve in the road and need to cross over. I try flagging down a car, the first one has people in it but doesn’t stop, the 2nd one does. I think a man and woman drop off the third person in their car and then the man comes to us. He seems to be a doctor and puts a stethoscope to her belly as she is lying down on the road. Im holding her hand and praying over her crying, calling out to Jesus. I woke up but I think it was all now fine. There was something but it had left her now. Before we were on the walk to the hospital I think I was telling someone in the house something about her husband not responding but she said he is growing.
Dream 2
Anne and I are at my previous landlords house though he was not there and the house looked different. We want to borrow the car to go somewhere. It seems Monica the wife of the landlord said we needed to pay for petrol and she would monitor the mileage, then when we get there I was thinking we were going to eat sushi and point to a restaurant but Anne says she doesn’t like it, we go elsewhere but I suggest we sit a place inside as it was cold outside.
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