The first time I dreamed of Heaven was about a year ago. In the dream the rapture occurred and my husband and dad began ascending towards Heaven in white robes along with a large number of others. My feet remained firmly on the ground so I leapt up and caught hold of my husbands robe. I made it to Heaven. I dreamed that there was a dressing room that they began trying to clothe me in the same type robe in hopes that it wouldn’t be noticed that I wasnt supposed to be there. Having been a Christian for almost two decades this dream was unsettling.
Dream 2
I dreamed Jesus returned and was floating in the sky above a building. I was close by him and could do nothing but stand in awe of His beautiful face. I felt peace and joy upon waking.
Dream 3
I dreamed I was in a building that in the dream I supposedly lived and worked in. The building was similar to pictures I’ve seen of the Seattle Space needle. I dreamed of a round room with lots of windows in a very tall building. My husband and a previous friend/coworker were having dinner with me. The building began to tilt sideways. I closed my eyes and was standing in a room in Heaven. I’m not sure how I knew it was Heaven but I did. The room felt overwhelmingly of peace. The color was bluish gray like a room where the light is off on a cloudy day, lit but dim. When I opened my eyes I was back in the falling building it tipped to the side, rotated and then fell. I closed my eyes again and was back in the same blue peaceful room. It was like the room was shielding me from the horror of the falling building. The next time I opened my eyes the rumble had settled and we walked out of the building. The base of the building had two large concrete statues shaped like feet. We began walking away from the rubble.
Thank you for any insight you can give to these dreams.