I had a dream last night where I was standing back watching the whole thing take place from behind a podium or pulpit. It started out with my dad (in my real life, he passed away in late January of this year) talking to Pastor Darren. I remember before they started talking, I saw Beth McCutcheon running around like she was planning a wedding or something. She was on her way to walking out the front door and didn’t say anything, she was just real happy and smiled and waved at me as she walked out the front door. (This was a HUGE house. Like a mansion. I remember a spiral staircase to the right and if I remember right, it was all white.) I can’t remember everything pastor said to my dad, but I remember it starting out with pastor asking him a question. Almost like the questions we ask at church before someone gets baptized. He asked him a question something like “are you in a relationship with anybody?” and dad said “yes!” And pastor asked with who? And he said “Jesus Christ!” and after dad answered him, pastor began exhorting him about how glad he was that my dad accepted Jesus. Then he began to tell him how important it was to me (in the dream I knew that he was talking about my spiritual, mental and emotional well being - not my physical self) that he came to know Jesus. And how important it was to him personally (pastor) also because I was a daughter to him. I don’t remember much from that point, but I remember just weeping as I heard pastor encouraging him. Then it was like the scene shifted and me and the kids and Aaron were trying to find somewhere to spend the night for one night of a vacation because something was dirty in our other room. I remember stumbling upon this old HUGE house that was unfinished, and I remember someone saying “oh my goodness. We can’t stay here. It’s not even finished. There’s nowhere to sleep.” But all I could think was “this is perfect!! Look how much room there is!! There is plenty of room for us to sleep!!” (There were blue boards with little cracks between every board that made up the wall throughout the whole building. It was upstairs and downstairs, but it was like it was all connected by a small set of steps because you could easily see from downstairs to the upstairs. The floors were all wooden and it was very clean. Just unfinished.) Then I remember the scene shifting again and we were upstairs on a huge bed talking with the older gentleman and lady that owned the house. The kids were playing with him and jumping around the bed and jumping on him. It was like the couple wanted to be real close to us or something because I remember me and the older lady telling the older guy that it’s ok to play with the kids. That this is what he’d always wanted. To be a grandpa, and now was his chance. The man was a muscular build with short, wavy white hair. I don’t remember the woman, I really don’t even remember if I actually saw her in the dream, I just remember knowing that she was there. Then I woke up.
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