(i had a dream last night of a lady who was a close family friend who just passed away, we were all believing for her healing she found out she had cancer and went within 2 months) The dream started in a parking lot and we were watching her trying to load this furniture into a dumpster. it collapsed on her and and someone said you might want ti help her and when we lifted it off of her it was to late. The dreamed shifted and we were in a small house and i think it was my house and they were bringing me some of her furniture and i remember thinkig i cant keep this because it was hers and it over croweded my house it wouldnt fit. The dream shifted a third time to a old baptist church i grew uo in and it was a revival and i was going to get a track to sing out if my car but the outside was crowded and we stayed out waiting for it to start. When i finally got in i was late and it had started and i went in the bathroom and there were 2 baskets of my dirty laundry in the church bathroom and it was overflowing into the floor. I heard someone in the church that now goes to my new church thank me for helping them with ministry and then i was outside and my husbands grandfather was on a bench in pain because he had just lost a front baby tooth... then i woke up.
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