I was grieving something deep. At one point I was getting ready for a funeral – but I have no idea for whom. All the people around me were people with good intentions for me but I didn’t know any of them. At one point I needed to sort through some beautiful gowns for a reception of some kind. But I didn’t like any of them; I didn’t want to be beautiful. I wanted to grieve.
Along the way as I was trying to get dressed, get a different gown, find a bed to sleep in, etc. – I had 4 different people that wanted to give me a Volkswagen Bug.
The first was feeling so bad for me and suddenly asked me if I wanted a Bug, like the car. Before giving me a chance to respond she told me it didn’t work but maybe I could make it work. Do you want it – it doesn’t matter, I’m going to give it to you. And then she felt so very good because she gave me something that might be worthless, but for some reason she felt like she had given me something of value. I think it was all she had to give.
I don’t remember the 2nd and 3rd person, but the 4th person was finally giving me a car that worked. Really well. But I was so puzzled when they said they were giving me one. I replied by asking why does everyone want to give me a bug. This is the 4th bug? And they said, but this one will work. This one will work very well.
Then I found myself on a bus. Like a school bus. There were only 2 other children on it and someone else was driving. The kids were running up and down the bus and I was concerned because it was dangerous. Somehow it was my job to calm them down, but I was still grieving. I decided the bus driver was just not doing anything, in fact he was laughing. So I told the one that had ran all the way to the front to come sit with me. He ran back to me, let me pick him up and he put his nose on my nose – grinned really big, hugged my neck, and then sat down beside me. The bus driver looked in his mirror and said to me – he won’t listen to me, but he will listen to you. That’s why it’s your job. And then, with a jolt, I was awake.