The dream started at a zoo where a group of people went through the gate and walked past the wild animals that were way up on a hill. The guide was explaining about the animals and there habitats and the group moved on. I must have come late to the party, because I walked in by myself, walking past the animals and up around the corner. I looked at my watch, noticed it was 10:30 and that I might be late for my next appointment. So I turned around and headed back towards the gate.
I was walking back and noticed a tiger had made its way down the hill and was headed towards me, growling as if to eat me. I started envisioning how I might die there when something rose up in me. I turned and pointed to the tiger and said, "In the Name of Jesus, Back up, In the Name of Jesus, That's far enough, In the Name of Jesus, STOP!" The tiger stopped about arms length away.
The same was true for the other 3 animals that came off the hill towards me. A lion was next and then a cougar and last a cheetah. When I made it through the gate, others were watching and asked what I said to make them stop, and I told them...... I woke up