From approx. 13 months ago. First dream is seeing big boxes I think. Then Im in my place moving/packing (not my place in real life, it was unknown). It looks very different, sadly old with like dirty carpet and old furniture and more sofas appeared, old and standing up. my friend in real life Lindsay comes, I think she is wearing my clothes (old) and I don’t sense it’s a good emotion, in fact lots of pain and heaviness waking up. I don’t feel it was helpful packing and I sensed a girl she knows named Julie is with her at some point. As they left I felt like I was no good for Lindsay. But as they left I called Lindsay back towards me and told her that and I felt like we hugged or she understood somehow. Oh yes, there was a scene Im in a room in the place, there were other rooms and the single bed was unmade and it was like someone had died there. I opened the window. It was like I released it or let it out.
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