(This is 1 of my 2 dreams to submit for April but I wasnt sure if it was for the current situation in Italy so I shared in advance. I hope that is fine) Im visiting Anne from my small group and her baby Ingrid (beautiful) who´s 3 months old in the natural though the house/place was not recognizable. I sensed they had been in Sweden shopping (though we live in Norway) this is/ was regular for those on the east side of Norway years ago as it was much cheaper. Ingrid was so mature in the dream- like advanced in communication and age, with a little girls haircut, speaking like a child etc and so beautiful. Anne was somewhat aware of this but not as I was- so excited and impressed by her. The word that captured me/was impressed upon me was ITALY that she said but not sure the context or other things she spoke of. Then there was a cake. It tasted like lemon cake- sweet and nice not sour. I asked if they made it. It was a cake a lady gave them when they hired the car to go to Sweden (they have a car in real life). I sensed a few others may have been in the dream at this part. Then we are walking back towards my place and Anne and Ingrid go to the supermarket(weird if they had just been shopping) with my little green notepad. I think she was going to write on it what she needed and then rip off that page and give me back my notebook at the store. Then its like Ingrid is in a milk carton and almost like a foetus size. A drop of milk came out. There is a shopping receipt inside the milk carton too that seems to say something in Norwegian. 2 words. I recall the first. PUST- breathe, I sensed like resuscitate. I think instructions. All of a sudden Anne is doing mouth to mouth on her. She has this pager thing she is looking at or communicating on. She is calm. Im at the foot of Ingrids foetus. Crying and calling out to King Jesus to help us. I l also sensed ca. 3 other small kids had this shopping receipt connected to them. One perhaps my niece Grace. Though I sensed no evil I wonder if God was impressing on me that this happened because of something evil and he was showing a kind of resolution. thanks.
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