Dream one.
I stood on a jetty, people all around me jumping into the water and having a good time. The water was covered by a white murk which I could not see through.. I jumped in as I saw a boy struggling to stay afloat. I grabbed him and swam him to the jetty. sometime later I again stood on the jetty and noticed people in the water, but this time the water was clear, a friend of mine was about to jump in when I placed my hand on her shoulder and told her "it's not the right time to jump into the water" and as I said that, I looked down to see dozens of sharks beneath the jetty. Brown with a bit of black on the snout.
Dream two.
Walking along a golden beach, with clear blue water. Two boys scanned the ocean to see a giant oak tree thriving further out to sea. The water was so clear that you could also see electric blue jellyfish in the shallow and deep waters surrounding the tree. The first boy carried a bright light with him. He jumped into the water and swam to the tree. But his light was too bright, and the jellyfish would entangle him the further out to sea he got. The second boy had a lesser light (I also discerned a slight intellectual disability) came up with a plan. The plan was, every time the boy with the brightest light would go into the water to get closer to the tree, the jellyfish would become distracted with his light, The boy with the lesser light would go into the water behind him to reach the tree successfully.
His plan worked and the two boys continued to use this plan. Boy 1 with the brighter light, sacrificed himself and became wrapped with tentacles while boy 2 could swim further, safer, and unharmed.
One day, as the boys were busy looking into the waters, planning their next move PIRATES captured the both of them. Tying them up and hanging them on wooden beams by their hands, the Captain reveled himself to be the father of the brightest boy. " Your just like your old man, a killer and thief" the captain retorted to his son. The captain had it might to kill the boy with the lesser light.
Somehow, The pirate son escaped, running to a house on the hills. A beautiful women and her friend lived there. The boy became a man and fell in love with the women. - I woke up with the song Hallelujah by Elton John playing in my head and I could also sense an old timeline (1960s?)