I was in a mall in London with "mom", "step-dad" and probably a younger person. It was our last day there and we were to take a flight home later that day.
Couldnt find a loo on that floor and a lady who was also looking for loo suggested we go down 1 floor. I went down the crowded stairs but she was nowhere to be seen. I came to a corner where I thought the loo would be but as I opened the door, it was a gambling den cum bingo card game room filled with senior citizens!
Then, this lady appeared and pointed to 2 toilet bowls right outside that den. A uniformed security guard was "guarding" nearby. She hastened to sit on one of the bowls to pee and then, wiped herself with the toilet paper before standing up and headed to the busy reception counter in full plain view of her exposed butt for all to see. Then, she walked back with a fresh new toilet seat lining to replace the one she sat on.
I mimicked what she did except that I took care to pull up my pants after I have wiped myself. However as I was doing that, one or two folded shirts came tumbling out as I pulled up my pants and the uniformed security fella caught them. I proceeded to the busy reception counter to ask for the toilet seat lining. Manned by Asian Chinese siblings, they seemed reluctant to give away the 2 remaining linings but eventually gave me 1, mumbling that their dad will not be pleased with it.
"Mom" found me and said something about "stepdad" would like to teach me (this part repeated at least twice in the dream).
Scene shifted to the bedroom of this lady where there were 4 single beds and 1 double bed, compacted into one small room, along with 3 study tables. As I wondered how all these can fit into 1 room, I noticed there were no wardrobe.
Scene changed and I am now in the company of some people... probably freedom fighters. The best buddy of the leader sacrificed himself for the group. When the dust has settled, we returned to the scene. The leader surveyed the situation and concluded that his buddy was wounded but decided to end his own life by knocking his head against the tree. As he spoke, I could literally see that gruesome vision in my head and I woke up with a startle!