In the dream I am watching a guy he seems to be in some city doesn’t know anyone he looks alone. He has to pretty much start over from scratch. I see that he worked and has money on his atm card.
In another scene, a mayor or someone is speaking infront of people and the cia people (or FBI people) someone who were to protect her does something makes it looks like an accident and shoots something into the air. It’s not anything good.
The guy that I’m watching sees all of this. He is very near in sight to the bad guy so that just lets me know he can see everything very clear.
The next scene I think now I Am the guy in the dream (in real life I am a woman)
I was able to have money because I worked at a time and a place for a while but I don’t think I was working right now? Because in dream I seemed to have much free time? But....I had money because I have an atm card. Soon as the cia people shoot into the air I run and go inside.
I’m seeing by looking out of a window in my room (it’s not my room in real life) I’m looking at a lot of water and I know that animals are growing in the water because of the stuff that went into air floated down, alittle almost got me but I was safe. it’s night time now on that out side part I’m looking out at water knowing something is about to happen.
The shark with legs is out of water now and is after me my light is on in my room I guess others lights were out in our apartments. Because it’s night time maybe they were sleep but my light were on. He keeps kicking in my window. He’s talking and kicking in window. When I know he has just about kicked it in I open window by my bed the top part of the window and the bottom and then I climb out. he is by my bed he doesn’t realize I’m sliding my hand under my pillow reaching to get my phone. Also I grab my money card. He says Bianca why didn’t you tell me? He is talking to someone else as I’m grabbing my phone and card. I guess he’s asking her why she didn’t tell him I was reaching for my phone and money. I’m looking at him now. He is standing where I was but I’m out the home and I run away.
I get away I enter In a place I wonder about the animals who have grown? Were other animals effected?
I see some people and I Also think I see a big tall poodle dog or big dog and it was pretty dog but yes it had been effected by whatever it was that was shot into sky.
I think This shark is the same shark that is from the movie The Flash