This is a series of dreams I have had in the last month or so regarding someone from my cell group. The first few dreams occurred before I took any real interest in the person. But the more I prayed about her the stronger my feelings grew and the more dreams I've had of her.
3 August 2020
Road Trip With Li-Anne
I was with Li-Anne on a road trip. We were in the desert somewhere between Perth and Coolgardie. I was enjoying my time with her and I wanted to at least take her to the Nullabor Plain before heading back home. But after thinking about it, we weren't even at Coolgardie yet and the Nullabor Plain is about two days away from where we were are. So there was no way I was going to be able to get there and back by Monday morning.
15 August 2020
Dating Li-Anne
I was sitting next to Li-Anne and just laying my head on her shoulder. We started cuddling up together and hugging. I think we even kissed or came close to it near the end.
26 August 2020
Modified CBR
It felt later in the morning as the sun was already up and I was in my living room with Li-Anne and someone else but I don't remember who. My parents were loading up the car ready to go. Outside my window I saw a touring/adventure style motorcycle parked outside on the left side of my lawn next to the street lamp post so I was kind of wondering who's bike it was. Somehow, Li-Anne, the other person and I were in a white car outside still talking but then I decided to go outside to approach my parents and find out who's bike it was. As I got closer to the bike I got to see the details and it turns out it was an identical bike to my orange Honda one but it has been modified. It kind of had a street fighter look with like training wheels or something, but the graphics, colour and main design of the motorcycle remained much the same which is how I could tell it was like my bike. When I saw it, I was like, "Hey, that's exactly like my bike."
1 September 2020
Comforting Li-Anne
I was at someone's house as I was staying there. There was some kind of cell group or gathering that was happening there. At the end of the night people started to leave but Li-Anne was really tired so she crashed on one of the mattresses that was in the living room. When everyone had left I went back to the mattress she was laying on and pulled out a red blanket to cover her. She then tugged at me to go under the blanket with her and we started cuddling. I think we even kissed. In my mind I was thinking boundaries are getting narrower but this is still okay as long as we don't go any further than this. I don't remember what happened next as there were parts when she wasn't on the mattress anymore so I thought she must have gone home or something. Then I saw her sitting upright at the back of this same room on another mattress with her back leaned against the wall. She was looking drowsy, tired, drained as if she was drugged or something. I think she told me what happened but I don't quite remember. But I just comforted her and told her that everything will be okay.
6 September 2020
Cell Group Sleep Over
I was in the back of Yong Yi's new Honda City sitting next to Li-Anne. I think we were heading south on Albany Highway from Victoria Park as I remember driving past shops on the right. This was during the day, but then I remember another scene where we were turning left into Applecross IGA on Canning Highway during the night. Next thing I remember we were going on a retreat with the cell group. We were outside one of those truck stop motels in the night or something. Next thing we were in my bedroom and the whole cell group was sleeping there. I was on my bed sleeping next to Li-Anne. She was on my right. Throughout the night I found myself with my arm around her and holding her hand. We were cuddling in our sleep. Next thing I knew I was semi awake and everyone around me disappeared. Li-Anne and my cell group members. In the dream I felt Li-Anne's hug around me and as I slowly transitioned back to semi reality I felt the physical touch disappear right before me as she and everyone disappeared. First thing I thought of during this semi awake and asleep phase was the Holy Spirit.
6 September 2020 (during afternoon snooze)
Mormon Cell Group
I was at St Stephens uniting church and it looked like there were a bunch of Mormons there about to have a service. I got contacted by Annica Lim and she wanted to meet up with me and ask me a few questions or something. Turns out she wanted to meet up with me at St Stephens uniting church because she was a Mormon. My cell group was also there as they are also Mormons. I was thinking about Li-Anne as she was there with them and questioning myself about asking her out since she is of a different belief.
14 September 2020
Asking Li-Anne Out
I was with Li-Anne in a carpark in the middle of the night. I asked her out and we ended up kissing and making out.
20 September 2020
Li Ann's Prophecy
I was with Li Ann (different person to Li-Anne) and Alvin. We somehow ended up talking about Li-Anne and my feelings towards her. In the dream Li Ann somehow knew about this and said she feels that if this were to happen it will happen in the middle of January next year. I also remember asking how she found out about my feelings towards Li-Anne.