March 30th dream:
We were at my old place by calavera hills walking Snowy (my mini american eskimo dog (white in color) who died just last year) and we were deep in the canyon. We are coming up over the hill and this grey and white bull mastiff (with big cajones) came up no leash or collar so I was cautious but we started coming closer. We (someone was with me maybe my wife but not sure) knew he was lost but he was glad we found him. Then we noticed that a really long rope was on him with a piece of fence stuck to it. We decided to take him back to my place and see who the dog belonged to. Along the way the dog started to talk to me and I could understand it. I asked him how he got out here and he said he was chasing a rabbit and jumped the fence and got lost and he said he was missing since January. He ask me if I thought his family would still take him back, I said I don’t know we will look then I took him back to the house.
Next scene we walk into hotel and through formal dining area with dogs and snowy jumps up on a chair (typical of his happy friendly nature) and the waiter pushes him off with a foot (this part was in bright color) we start walking up the hotel stairs then I woke up.
(Dream in average color)
Overall feeling of dream? Happy