First before I fell asleep, I had a vision in my spirit of a lighthouse on land with light in the windows. I saw the ocean and the name Maine came to me. In my dream I saw a woman with a bag. She smiled and said reach in and take. When I did, it was hard to take because it was jammed pack. I pulled out money and counted it. It was $77.00. I saw the woman again and the same thing happened. I pulled out $77.00 again. End of dream.
3/28/2012 Dream I was in front of a group of people who did not believe in the Lord. I held a pillow case up to the Lord and asked Him to turn it into gold. He turned it into gold. Then I took a tablecloth and asked the Lord to turn it into gold. He turned the tablecloth into gold. I presented it to the unbelievers and they began to be amazed and believed.
My name is Carole Mack. Michael stated that he did not have time and someone would be able to help me. Thank you in advance. My email address is carole4169@charter.net I have taken the dream course from John Paul Jackson.
In Christ Jesus
Carole Mack