Hi, Michael I'm posting dreams that my husband had. The first dream he had was last week and in the dream he said that he was at work getting ready to spray a house for mosquitoes and he looked down on the ground because he saw something that looked like money sticking out of the ground. He said that he started to pull the money but he noticed that it had like a piece of rope on it, so he began to pull and tied on the rope was a stack of money like $10,000 and he said that he kept pulling and more money kept coming up, he said that he got to about 7 stacks of those $10,000 bills and he woke up. He had another dream last night and he said that we were at home and he took our little dog out to potty, but as he was walking he said that he saw a big white dog off in the distance, so he just kept walking our dog around so he could use the bathroom. He said our little dog saw the big dog and started barking, so he said that the big white dog turned around and started walking towards him and he got a nervous because he didn't know if the dog was going to attack him,but he said that the white dog had a carriage or a wagon hooked to him and said when the dog came to him there was a bag in the carriage/wagon and when he opened up the bag there was nothing but money in it. He said that our son car to the door and he told our son to go back in the house and get me, so my son and I walked out to where he was and he was showing us all this money, so he began to hand us stacks of money but he don't know what happened or how the dream ended, because he woke up. So can you tell us what those dreams meant.
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