There were 3 scenes in my dream.
Scene 1:
I'm in my old bedroom at my parent's place. I had this feeling of despair in that I'd taken all the exams and tests I needed to take, but for some reason I was still stuck in this place, unable to move onto the next step. It was dark and I tried to turn on the lights but instead, all 5 light bulbs in two separate ceiling lights fused at the same time. It's one of my fears to be in darkness but thank goodness the light in the living room was on and I quickly went out of my bedroom. In the living room, there was a panel of 6-8 people seated there, some of which included my cell group leader who was moderating the discussion and another one was my workplace mentor. My leader asked me to share how I've been. I tried to share what had just happened to me in the bedroom (I felt it was a demonic attack) but suddenly got very tired and sleepy such that I could barely open my eyes or make out the words (almost like sleep paralysis or something). People lost interest and started talking over me too. When I could finally "wake up" and open my eyes, I saw unfamiliar people at the table and was relieved and glad that I hadn't shared something so personal.
Scene 2:
I was with a colleague walking outside in a garden outside my house. We were sharing how we felt that we weren't as business savvy or financially smart. There was a deep sadness about it and we wept. Later, our boss came along and the three of us spoke in a group. Just then, I saw a truck headed along our path from above the slope. A monkey was driving it. It was fierce looking and militant like. I warned our group and we quickly took cover and lay down low, hoping we would not be discovered. A whole family of monkeys came by and thankfully they didn't notice us and moved on. In my dream, the monkeys were human-sized and evil (like enemy forces).
Scene 3:
We were back in the house, this time in my sister's old bedroom (also our study room in times past). Somehow I was in the room with the others while watching the enemy's plan concurrently (it was an overlapping vision where I could "see" and "hear" their plans and what they wanted to do). They wanted to destroy all our files especially the client data that our boss had, along with documents. It felt like we didn't have much time or ability to take huge files with us without being noticed. I wanted to ask another colleague to help ship my files later but feared the monkeys would kill her (she was in charge of our base and would stay behind). There were blinds covering the windows with gaps in between. We went to close the blinds properly so outsiders couldn't see in. A monkey was standing guard outside watching us. When we closed the blinds, it also followed suit, ironically covering its eyes with more blinds.
While in the room, I had the revelation that the monkeys might be afraid of wires that are shaped like snakes and proceeded to form three of them - passing them out to my colleague and boss so we each had one. I think I formed it out of my husband's spare music equipment coils. I remember looking for my iphone in the dream which I eventually found too. I had been using an older Nokia phone before that.
Note: I've dreamt of monkeys before and they almost always represent something fearful/evil - previous dreams included monkeys marching up and down like sentries in front of a house which I had to get out of, or the monkey god entity which was killing other people in a bus but I was somehow safe. Thanks!