Both of these dreams were in the same night, so I submitted both of them. '
Dream 1:
I was in a store I had been in. My wife was not with me. I was taking pictures of the inside and had just gotten an item checked out and was walking out. I was walking out of the store looking at my phone when I lifted my head up and saw my old car’s (not my current car. My old car is red in color.) drivers side door was slightly open. I went and opened it and found a man sitting there with a device hooked up to it and trying to steal it. He was not even shocked about me being there. I told him to get out and pulled a knife on him and that’s when he turned his head very slowly. I still remember his face. He had very squinty eyes and just stared at me and I noticed that he had a gun. It looked like an old gun. Beat up and I remember silver being on the top of it. He pointed it at me. I thought I saw someone in the passenger seat too, but I could make out who it may be or if they were with him. I woke up.
Dream 2:
I was coming out of a big event. It was raining. I had security take me to my car in a golf cart because I knew it was far away from the exit I came out of. Again, this was with my old red car. I still own this car, I just do not drive it now. When we finally got to my car, it started moving. We followed it and I tried to make as much noise like honking the horn, pushing the panic button, with the remote as possible. We lost it but later, I came across it on the side of the road. It looked like salad had been spilled in it. I had a lighter and I was trying to light it but the wind kept blowing it out. That’s what I was going to use to call police. A policewoman finally came by and I was able to flag her down. When I told her and her partner what happened, she asked if I had filed a form with the state. I got the sense that they had heard about this case before or that it had happened a lot. That’s when I woke up.