In my dream, my mom, my elder brother, William, and I were caught up in a cloud.
There was this beautiful house with a lot of lights…all lit up and so
beautiful. I had never seen anything like it before. It was built on top
of a very peaceful/serene blue sea. The whole scenery was a beautiful
thing to behold. On top of the sea I saw the most amazing
thing…green grass with players dressed in white jerseys and shorts,
playing soccer. William and I were telling my mom, “We can’t believe
that we built you this beautiful house!” And then I turned and saw this
girl tending (watering, caring for, watching over, etc.) the green grass.
Her clothes were tattered. In the dream I recognized her as was one of
my mom’s ‘adopted’ daughters. (I do not know her in real life.) Her
tattered clothes seemed out of place in this otherwise beautiful scene.
And then just across the street I saw a public bathroom. When people
would come and go from it, they would gaze at the beautiful house.
Then I woke up!