Pastor Sam is getting a new domestic helper for his household, she came for interview and she is skinny, and short like a teenage girl. Pastor Sam shows her his house which is attached by its wall to the church side by side. Our church is a one story looking mansion. The employment agent arranging this interview has a dog, it’s HUGE, black or dark brown though I think it’s black. Almost as tall as me. Fast moving too. I don’t like dogs and this one is a big dog at that so I try to run into the church and close the door before it can get in but this dog is quick to follow me and prevent me from closing the door. P Sam comments on this dog to congregation casually gathered at church as being “huge”. I hear from someone else that P Sam had tested the dog and called it having 50% accurate in its prophecy.
My husband Kevin and I will go to a cchurch meeting led by p Sam but just before we leave I lay a cardboard piece down on the flooor which Kevin will use in a skit as a horse he is “riding.” I lay out broadly striped light golden retriever color or blonde colored empty rice tarp bag (I had kept it to repurpose one day) on the floor to wrap the cardboard horse on the outside. I google search horse torso images to cut the card board accordingly. the cardboard is not big enough to make the whole horse. The rice bag tarp is quite huge though. Before I get on it, we notice it’s 10 min ish before the meeting, decide to go to church meeting first so we can be on time.