Last night, (January 1, 2018), I dreamt that I was walking through the former Apache Plaza mall (which was the shopping mall my family shopped at when I was a child), pulling a cart of my things behind me. It was an expanded version of this mall, and I was with friends. I was looking for something and felt distracted as I walked through the shopping mall.
I stopped in front of the grocery store -- I've been in this grocery store in past dreams. Suddenly, I noticed that my suitcase was gone! It held everything including my purse and cell phone. I was in shock and couldn't believe that I wouldn't be able to find it. I had confidence that God would help me since He's been faithful to help me find lost things in real life.
I slowly became more and more concerned as I walked through the mall, looking for my things and trying to figure out what to do. I decided to reach out to the police and report that my things had been stolen. A policeman asked me to follow him, and I assumed that he was taking me to the mall police station.
He took my hand and led me outside, into the parking lot. This turned into an opening into the water, and he continued to go into the water, pulling me with him. I panicked as I don't know how to swim and became concerned that I would drown! At first, he didn't seem to notice my distress but when he did, he stopped and let me get back on my feet and take a breath.
I found myself on a rock in the middle of the water. The policeman had disappeared, and a storm was coming! I became alarmed as I recognized the serious danger that I was in. With the storm, the waves could easily wash over and even cover the rock that I was lying on. Not only this, even though I was OK at the moment, I knew the temperature would go dip when it became dark. I could easily freeze to death on this rock.
I desperately looked around to find my way of escape. I could jump in the river and try to swim to the closest shore, but the current was strong. I thought - it might take me right up to shore...but it was a very dangerous risk for me. I looked across the water to the homes on the opposite shore. I knew that Holli (she is a good friend who is an emerging spiritual leader) and Ricardo (Holli's husband) were expecting me, but they had no idea of my predicament. Since I didn't have my cell phone, I had no way of contacting anyone for help.
I began to pray and intercede for help! I knew that this could easily be the last night of my life, and I was not ready to die.