These 3 dreams were in the same night and all took place at night.
At night on a beach. Couldn't see much. Waiting for a boat to come in. Kind of a special ops thing. I was with other people in the operation. There was a guy with a flashlight hoping to direct the boat to the sand bar to stop it. The boat saw him and avoided it. We were bummed. I saw a tall guy standing next to me. We were trying to figure out what to do next. We knew the enemy was close.
(All of these people are people from my past):
Dream that Dena was selling their house. Night time. I saw Garret and he said Ben was looking to buy it. I told him it would be great for Ben- a lot closer to where he needs to be. Saw Ben pull up. I was with him and began taking some stuff out of the truck. Some clothes. We argued about where I should put the clothes- leave them in the truck or bring them in. I wanted to take them with me. They were on coathangers and tied together so I wouldn't lose them. Leah was there. Lots of people we used to know.
It was dark and a man had been brought in in handcuffs. A black man. I went to him. We had a plan to break him out- like a special op's move. All of a sudden, there was an alarm and all the other people didn't know what to do. I did. A black box had been given to me. I took the guy and went to the elevator where there was a pizza already waiting for us. This had been planned. I was helping him break out. My alarm woke me up in the natural.