I had a dream that I was at a guy named Vins house setting up for a party that he was going to have there later that night. (Vin and I are not friends in real life). one of his friends that invited me to help set up didnt know we were no longer friends and had invited me. i went and I was enjoying being with people there. I kept thinking i had to leave soon because if Vin or his brother came by they would ask me to leave because we are not friends and technically i should not have been invited.
I am hanging out with people i know there and having a good time. Behind Vins house there was a small boarded up white house/shed that had written in blue spray paint that says 'Jesus Saves' and and 'God answers prayer' there was a chain link fence separating the property from the house.
I went back inside and I am still hoping they dont notice me. Vin slides past me on an inner tube, partying with some of the people - completely oblivious to the fact that I am there.
There were fireworks going off - there was one that went off really close to us that was like a orange and red bulb- so close that I felt it was dangerous and I had to duck. I woke up thinking the fireworks were dangerous and I had to get out of here before I got asked to leave.