There was this old woman with white hair, 91 years old and she is my friend in the dream. She has a big mansion in the country but she decides to sell it and buy a house in the city. I know that her husband was a doctor hence she is rich. She buys the house at the end of my street (looks different than my real one) and asks me to buy 2 small burgundy rugs (like bathroom type) so I do this and I go to visit her new house, carrying those rugs. The house is full of some people (from church?). House has 3 bedrooms. I go to master bedroom and put one burgundy rug in front of door (maybe bathroom door; light from the window shines on this rug). I'm thinking this rug is a little slippery...When I want to grab second rug I realize that I brought white t-shirt instead. I go to the second bedroom and there is young man and 1 or 2 TV's there on...but they are very small, old, bulky like from 50s. I go to the 3rd bedroom and this one has a lot of big colonial windows (with grid). There is a lot of light coming in but some places in windows are broken and some have holes in them covered with pieces of board. Wooden floor has big uneven gap, so big that you can see basement and electrical wires. I know in the dream that this indicates foundation issues. I go back to the living room, people are leaving and old woman goes to her bed to take a nap. (While I'm looking at the rooms I'm thinking that she might leave this house to me so I'm already planning how to do repairs).