I dreamed that we were staying in a hotel in Florida with my daughter Abby’s gymnastics team. There was a centerpiece oval fountain/pool in the middle of the food court/main busy area of the hotel. It wasn’t to swim in though. It had a hammerhead shark in it that would swim around and people would sit on the edge and watch it. Everyone on the team except Abby was doing exercises to warm up. As they exercised, several of the girls would lay back into the pool and then sit back up. Abby just watched them, taking in the whole scenario. When they were done, some of those girls actually jumped in to swim. I started yelling to get out. Then a little boy, seeing the girls swimming, decided that he wanted to swim also. He jumped in as the other girls realized there was a shark and got out. Abby just stood there quietly watching. I was yelling at the boy and we could all see the shark bump into him underwater. The boy tried to swim towards our side to get out but then got scared and went to the other side. I was frantic and was just about to run around to the other side to lean in and pull him out. As if on queue, Abby jumped in. She swam to the other side as the shark reached the boy again and was taking a bite out of his leg. She confidently grabbed the boy and went up the ladder with him and laid him beside the pool. She wasn’t hurt at all, but the boy had a chunk bitten out of his leg. The boy‘s guardians, which I thought maybe were grandparents, came down from their room not having a clue what was happening. I had to point out to them that their son/grandson was in desperate need of help and that Abby has just saved his life. The rest of the dream was just me trying to make other people realize the importance of what just happened. I felt very frustrated in the dream. I called the hotel and even went to the management to tell them what Abby had done but I kept getting interrupted and/or nobody seemed to really care. At one point, my 13 year old son Jake interrupted me while I was trying to get everyone’s attention. That frustrated me as well, but he succeeded in getting the attention I was trying to get by telling a brief funny little joke about a new tv show about Jesus and everyone laughed. He then looked at me as if to say “they’ll listen to you now”. I was then able to talk and tell everyone what Abby had done. The dream ended.