This was my 12 year old daughter’s dream from a couple of years ago. I’m posting now because I just had a dream that reminded me of it and I feel like it’s connected.
We were at a hotel and were going swimming, even though it was January and cold outside. The pool was a long way away. When we got there, the water was perfectly clear. It was known for being perfectly clear and that’s why we went. Aiden was with us and he jumped into the 4’ deep side. I jumped into the 4’ deep because I was too scared to jump into the 8’ deep. I was in my street clothes. Aiden was really cold so “grumpy” (Scott) went and got him and put him on a chair. Then I got out and saw him shivering without a towel. I went and got a towel and wrapped him up. I got back into the pool and I was uncomfortable swimming in my clothes. I got back out and told mom that I needed a bathing suit. Mom said she didn’t have enough money. I said I have $5 that I can help you pay with. We drove to the store and mom got me a “bathing suit”. We drove back to the pool and mom said she thought I would really like the bathing suit because it smells like cookie dough. She gave it to me and at first I thought it was a bathing suit but then realized it was soft soap hand soap. I started crying because I really wanted to go swimming in this perfect swimming pool. We went back to the pool and remembered that I had a sports bra on and my underarmour shorts and that I could use those as a bathing suit. The water was really warm. When I got out, mom showed me the other hand soaps she had bought and there were 3 total. One was red, one was cream (the cookie dough) and one was white.