I had a dream last night about this huge indoor pool full of brightly colored tropical fish. (it looked like an ocean in an Olympic size pool, if that makes sense.) Me, pastor, Tami and Aaron were all making plans for Aaron’s birthday. We were going to celebrate at this huge pool, but pastor and Tami had to change plans at the last minute. She sent me a picture text of a fish in a big fish tank -this fish looked like a domestic fish. One that you could keep at home. In the picture, it was sitting in someone’s living room in a regular looking fish tank. It was black while it was in the tank- and said it was really important that they get to Texas to get this fish. It was $75. Once they got back and the fish was put in the water with the rest of the fish (I don’t really even know how it got put in there because I was the only one at the pool, pastor and Tami weren’t there to put it in,) we were allowed to jump in, but I was the only one there. So I jumped in the myself and it was BEAUTIFUL! The black $75 fish from Texas changed color when it got put in the water. It turned from back into one of the bright tropical fish. All of the tropical fish were different. There were fishes, big and small, seahorses, all kinds of different tropical sea animals! I remember opening my eyes under the water and just being in awe of the beauty of this water and the tropical fish. I remember someone saying that the $75 fish from Texas was what made the water the perfect balance or something like that, I can’t remember exactly what word I used, but every fish and small sea creature in the water got along perfectly once that fish from Texas got put in the water.
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