Last night I dreamt I was pregnant and about to give birth. I was sitting at an isolated table by myself, while a group of my coworkers who are more like the “cliques” at work were all sitting together at another table away from me. I felt like I was starting to go into labor, so I got up and walked to the table where my coworkers were, and asked if Paul was there (Paul is an ex lover of mine). My coworkers told me he wasn’t there, so I walked back to my table and waited. When Paul did show up, his sister was with him and he was asking me what I needed. I told him I felt like I was going into labor, but it was okay because I would handle it myself.
The dream shifted then to my grandmother and I going car shopping. We looked at many different cars, but I decided to test drive a red Honda. Me and my grandmother both got in, and I started driving.
The dream shifted again and I was at my old church waiting on my daughter to finish with the children’s activities. Another ex lover of mine (named Jacob) and his wife were over in a corner watching me. I felt like everyone, especially his wife, was judging me wondering who the father of my child was.
The dream shifted for the last time, and I was with another ex lover of mine, Caine (one that I still talk to occasionally) and I knew the baby was his. I was due any day, and I kept hearing the words “2 weeks” for when the baby might come. I knew we were having a boy, and his name would be Jonah because I’ve always wanted a son named Jonah. I wanted Caine to help pick out his middle name, and we were both stuck between “Ian” and “Eli.”
In my dream, I looked up both name meanings, and Ian meant “Gift from God” and Eli meant “high, ascended and my God.” I remembered those name meanings very vividly. And then the labor pains started again.