2 weeks ago, I dreamt I was a gathering, it seemed more like a book signing. As I walked in, the event was already under way. I scanned the room and noticed how crowded it was. The crowd was just about all women. In the center of the room, stood Barack Obama. He was taking questions, greeting different guess, and signing autographs. Suddenly a Black woman grabbed him from behind and clung tight. The woman meant him no harm; she was just an overzealous fan. Secret Service quickly but gently pulled the woman from around him. I slowly made my way through the crowd to get closer in hopes of him autographing my paper. I didn't have a book for him to sign like everyone else. I was still not close enough to get his attention. Suddenly a White woman who had just gotten her book signed, leaned in to give him a hug. He graciously hugged the woman and then released his hold, but the woman did not let go. The woman then squeezed him tighter and rested her head on his chest. Secret Service popped up, but he motioned for them to stand down. He then politely but firmly redirected the woman about boundaries, but the woman was oblivious as she closed her eyes, smiling as she continued to squeeze. He then told the woman that was enough and literally peeled her off his body and then signaled for the Secret Service to escort the woman away from as far as possible. He kept right on taking selfies with people, answering questions etc and never missed a beat as if that fiasco with that woman never happened. I tried to move closer, but I was boxed in because of the crowd. Couldn't move any further. Then suddenly Barack Obama made eye contact with me. He suddenly starting coming in my direction. He effortlessly made a path to reach me through the sea of people. When he reached me, he gave me the warmest smile and a warm greeting. I nervously asked if he would sign my paper. I was embarrassed because the paper had printing and writing on it and apologized. He seemed unbothered by it. He then flipped the paper over and found white space. I thought he would just scripple his name and hand the paper back to me, but he kept writing. He wrote on my paper for almost a minute. A few people around me asked " what all is he writing on your paper?" Then the writing stopped. He looked me in the eye smiling, folded the paper and gave it to me. I asked what did he write, and he replied " just some encouraging words"
Dream Ended.