This dream was back in December: I was around Briarwood (where I went to high school) people trying to get some boots on. People were talking about what they got for Christmas and I was making sure I had everything. I got a pair of zip up boots and made sure they were on the right feet. When I finished, I noticed Carrie, Laura, Allison and another girl I graduated with. They were all going through divorces, and talking secretly about how court was going. They talked about how mad their dads were at their husbands. All of a sudden I felt the love that God had for them. The Lord began giving me a word for them. I began speaking a word to them about how much he loves them, sees what is going on, and will give them justice. They looked at me like they didn't believe prophecy was real. I was hesitant to give them the promises because I didn't want it to not happen.
I looked through an album of all the people I went to school with- what they were up to now. They were hiding what was truly going on in their lives. At the very end I came across a 2 page spread of a girl that was coming to the school in the last year. She was 18, from Russia. A Jew who was a feminist. Pages were in black and white and she looked like she was from WW2 era.
I was on a pink boat. There was a white cloud of smoke on it. People had come to take the bot over. I asked my mom if I could keep Kitty. She said yes. We found 4 Kitties together. She found the toy possum she had when she was a little girl and tossed it to me too. I decided I didn't really want it since it was a soul tie. I packed toys from under the bed in a box that would float, then sheets and pillow cases for survival, then albums of the girls I made. I looked in closets and drawers. I purged books I had on China and all other things that didn't seem important. I heard my dad in the next room blaring limp bizkit. I put headphones on, but didn't hear anything in them. I kept looking through everything in closets too.