I was with a lot of Christians in a huge buildings. With high ceilings. No elevators but lots of wide stairs. We all had a sense of impending doom! We eere told not to go outside. I looked out and saw a hugh wall of water on the brink of coming down on us and causing destruction. No one could get out so we were without food. There was a high wall with places i could climb up on in case of a flood. Suddenly the hugh doors broke open and the water look like it was boiling! As i was climbing up some lady i knew pulled me down and took me to a safer place. As I got in my place i saw the wall i was pulled from disintegrating before my eyes. I ask the Lord to please guide me and give me ears too hear.....for my life was on the Line.......i also wanted to help others through this. Every floor flooded and we were all struggling to find the way To higher ground. We were tired and could not rest because whatever was happening was excellerating. It was such a traumatic and gut wrenching time for us all. I think it may be for either my church or the church. I finally got to the top but was afraid no way out.....but all of a sudden i was thrown outside and was rejoicing i did not die. Then i woke up.....
first thought was protection and then favor. Had to be in color for the friend who saved me had brownish blonde hair shoulder length and turned under. Thank you for helping me.