I had a dream that I was sitting at a table in the middle of a message that pastor Darren was preaching and I was sitting in the middle of 2 girls at the table who just wouldn't shut up. (One was Cristina Miller and the other was a girl I went to high school with. Ashley Murphy. This girl was very quiet in high school. Very shy. Very smart, she just didn't say much) They kept talking and being loud and rude and interrupting service and pastor addressed it. Pastor made it known that they were interrupting the service, but also said that there were strong people sitting at that table, and pointed to me and told me that I was one of them. He actually addressed Ashley individually (out loud) and said that her husband had been trying to sow discord within the church, and that's the spirit that was trying to keep everyone at the table distracted. I was actually getting annoyed because Ashley and Cristina wouldn't stop talking because I was trying to listen to pastor's teaching Then the scene shifted and we were talking to Genie and Calvin (my in-laws) and were talking about Rushing Wind Church (a biker church back home where my father in law is a pastor.) Calvin was telling Aaron (my husband) and I about how he was laying hands on the demon possessed and just by speaking "in Jesus name, lose him and let him go" and in that instant, the people were delivered. The scene shifted again and we were in a restaurant with Genie and Calvin. Calvin was talking to the waiter (he was a transgender man -- he was a man trying to be a woman and you could tell he knew Calvin and Genie. Like they had been at that restaurant before and talked to him) who was talking to us about the restaurant, and how the restaurant had some shady policies that he and Genie had been discussing. I could tell this man was possessed because he was shaking and his eyes were twitching and shifting (In the dream I personally knew he was possessed when we first sat down at the table). It took a little longer this time for Calvin to speak the word of deliverance, but eventually, Calvin touched his forearm and spoke "lose him! let him go! In Jesus name!" Immediately, you could see the demon wrestling in the man's body and his eyes shifted to Calvin. The demon said "it took a little longer for me to sense the presence tonight. I was searching for it while I was trying to do her reading (palm reading) >a lady at the table across from Calvin< **there was a couple at the table with us that were not familiar to me. Calvin and Genie knew them, but I didn't. The girl that I went to school with who was in the previous part of the dream that was trying to interrupt pastor's message (Ashley) was also sitting at the table with us next to Calvin** Once the demon addressed Calvin, it left the man and he was in his right mind. Then I woke up.
- In the dream I knew that the distracting spirit at work in her (Ashley) was what was causing the demon in the man not to be able to feel the presence of God on Calvin