I was in and out of a building which was accomodation and a teaching place. People were very relaxed, all students, teachers, trainers, everyone who lived and worked at this place. It was an atmosphere of “take it easy” yet we were there to learn how to fight, defend, advance, move as one force or entity.
I was talking in particular to a teacher. I said I wanted to go for a ride on my horse. I was wearing four items of armour: a shield and a quiver of arrows strapped to my back, a bow across my chest, and a sword on my right thigh. I had a uniform/armour made of metal and leather pieces.
I got on my horse and rode out to the wilderness. It was dark like prior to dawn. I found myself restless and drawn to go, I needed to get out there and explore what was on the horizon. I felt it in my spirit like something was coming and we were not prepared!
I reached the top of the mountain where I found a waterfall. I could observe land as far as I could see. Down in the valley there was an army great in numbers. This massive army had moved into our territory and at that moment I recalled hearing people talking earlier that they heard about it but nobody was concerned. All these whispers came flooding into my mind as I heard these conversations playing in my head.
As I stood at the top of the waterfall I observed the way their camp was set up, the flickering fires of their torches alight gave me a strange feeling to their organisation and training in their tactics, they could move forward at any given moment.
I felt in my spirit I needed to get closer to see what they were like. I had a sense I was meant to do this so I could bring a report.
I dove from the top of the waterfall to the water below determined to get a better understanding of who they were, how they would move in to the territory.