Eddie (worship pastor at my church) was “renovating” a play set in narrow backyard of ranch style home. I had a single room. I came back and he was not there and had pulled it all out. I couldn’t see it. There were just large piles of leaves. I asked Nedra and Jeremy (leaders of our church) and tried to call him and Brittany (Eddie’s wife and also worship leader) but couldn’t work the flip phone or see it very well. Was getting upset and concerned because it was were I was supposed to homeschool and couldn’t get started. No one else was either. Emma (babysitter and kids church worker) was there. I had brought a large cake for Eddie and Brittany and some cake bites but they hadn’t eaten them and others had gotten into it. The place was a mess. Finally I found that the old beams were under piles of leaves. I went to find him and then came back and there were brand new beams. He was going to replace the whole thing. He did and it was amazing and useful for the whole group/family that lived at that house. He put some new pieces on it that I hadn’t asked for and taken some away. I had mixed feeling about it at first but since he did it for me I didn’t complain.
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Dreams posted to the forum will be interpreted by students. They will likely accumulate during breaks between classes, so please keep this in mind. Remember most interpretations are provided by students and they are learning what they are doing. Moderators will often have more seasoned interpretations when they do comment on a dream. A moderator often responds to Level 1 student interpretations and comments when necessary for Level 2 students. Level 3 students will post interpretations as student moderators.
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