I had dream I was at church and pastor Jason was preaching. Then people got in line for prayer. There was about 3 people in front of me. We got up on stage with him. He had us sit down and fill out piece of paper, with questions on it so he knew what to pray for. One question was, do you get persecuted when you talk about Jesus. My response was yes, especially from my family. Then I went into a trance and seen all these words covered with sand. I had to pay 300 hundred gold coins to uncover them to know which one applied to me. I got the word rejection. Wrote it down on my paper. When he got to me he didnt have to pray, he stood to my left and blew, about 5 seconds I hit the floor face forward. I was squirming everywhere. Went into a deep place and was in some encounter with God. I seen all kinds of weird colors. Like a firework. I tried to fight the encounter. He knelt down and for a second time blew on me again and I stayed on my face in front of the whole church. Then woke up.
*I didnt really feel way in this dream.
*Color that stood out was gold.