This is a dream my son, Miles, had about 1 year ago,
I (Miles) was walking through a city and I came across a corporate building & I went in to see if something was wrong. When i went inside, I looked around for a minute and it looked like the entrance to a church. All of a sudden a woman approached me and exclaimed "YOU CAN'T BE IN HERE". Frightened about what would happen I started to run and then I followed a long flight of stairs up to the top, first by running then by flying up the stairway. It continued for 2 minutes and when I reached the top it was a daycare. When I looked around there was no door, and there were windows surrounding the entire room which allowed an amazing view of the endless clouds. The children had snacks, drinks, and all the toys they could ask for. There was no supervisor to take care of them or anyone there to make sure they did not get too rowdy. But yet they were all collectively calm and respecting each other. (dream ended there)