I was in a hospital or school of some sort. I've been in this place in previous dreams. I was with some friends, and we were finding our way around. I ended up on the floor where I was arriving for my appointment. I arrived just in time, even though I had briefly forgotten about my appointment. I was so grateful that I arrived on the floor right on time and thank God because it felt like a miracle.
I was also socializing and enjoying meeting and being with friends. I felt like I was learning some good things and enriched by these interactions. I vaguely remember having meals with them.
It has also stormed outside. That freeway entrance to 35W (a major freeway in our city) was not blocked off but it was clear that 35W was flooded. I made a mental note to avoid that entrance because if we ended up in the freeway we would surely be dead. My brother was with me, also aware of the freeway situation.
I interacted with several other friends who were waiting for appointments. Some of them were certain about what they were going in for. Others were not certain. I listened to their concerns and tried to be supportive and encouraging. I think I was also considering different outfits? and spending time visiting with various people including a couple guys.
One of them surprised me with his affectionate hug because I didn't know him well. He is an electrician by trade. His wife was also there (I used to work with her as a preschool teacher many years ago.) She was chuckling at my surprise and also open and supportive towards me. I was taken a little off guard by this. Though I was open to them, I was also a little guarded.
The weather had cleared up though it was still cloudy and now cold outside. I got into my car with my brother in the back seat. I drove quickly to a familiar destination - however, I completely forgot that the freeway was flooded! I went straight down the ramp and into the water. I knew that this was certain death for me as the water was icy cold. I also wasn't able to swim, only float - plus I had to try to escape from the car.
As I sank into the water, I cried out to the Lord for a miracle to help me. I saw my brother looking at me from a bridge above and hoped that he would work fast to get help.