I Had a dream I think it is prophetic.
I forgot the dream completely and hours later it popped back into my head like the Holy Spirit was reminding me. I was in a house or a store that was not my house but I felt I belong there and other people did as well. I got bit by a cobra snake. It sanded to head out and bit me on the leg. I didn’t scream and holl I said quick somebody call 911 I need anti-venom I need to I had a dream last night. I think it could’ve been a prophetic dream. I forgot about it and then I was cleaning the bathrooms hours later and it popped back in my head. Inam I was someplace that wasn’t Home it could’ve been another house or a store but there was other people there that seem to belong there as well as me and it seemed kind of new. Or maybe it seemed old
But anyway I got bit by snake, a cobra. I saw the snake he fanned his like head out and he bit me on the leg.!
And I said I’ve got to get to the hospital! I need anti-venom somebody call 911 but nobody did. I don’t think they did. The crazy thing was I was really OK I couldn’t feel the snake bite and it didn’t hurt and it wasn’t swelling up or anything.go to the hospital. I don’t think anybody called and then I realized my leg didn’t hurt and there was no swelling or redness and I seem to be OK and that is all I remember.