Within a 7 day period I've had 2 dreams about snakes. The first of last week, I dreamt I had walked into my bedroom and saw a long black snake on the right side of my bed. He was not in the bed but positioned between the bed and the wall. It was about 8-9 feet long, and its head was at the front of the bed out of my view. Its tail was strangely, considerably wider than the rest of its slender body. The tail was wider than my hand, and the body was slim. I tried to find something very heavy to pin its tail in hopes of being able to kill it, but when I returned, it started to move and crawled around the bed. As I stood watching it come towards me fear gripped me, and I frantically was posturing myself to strike it before it struck me and suddenly it struck. I could not tell if it missed or if it struck me, but the strike was not felt at all. Either way I was not harmed. I then noticed how incredibly small its head was. (Dream ends)
A few days later, I dreamt I was in church, and it was communion Sunday. I was seated on the first row with others I didn't know. Then the pastor started preparing for communion, and called for the ministers to come to the alter. As they were coming, he asked me to come up too and take communion with them. I obliged and noticed we were not kneeling at the alter, but standing. The pastor then picks up this large plastic container and takes the top off and instructs us to get one and eat it. When I looked in the container it was full of live tiny snakes. It seemed like there were hundreds of them just squirming around in various colors. I was more grossed out than fearful, but managed to take one and partially put it in my mouth and started chewing. As I chewed I noticed the small snake was crunchy and I could hear the sound of crunch with each chew. (Dream ends)