Was in bed and could not sleep. Early in the morning probably 2 or 3 am. Started to pray as I had been in a season where I felt as if my prayers were not getting through. No response, no results. Going through the motions so to speak. Immediately I found myself not in bed but sitting next to Jesus (featureless area - extremely peaceful). Not sure where but most definitely not in my bedroom or house for that matter. He asked me when was the last time that we talked. Not prayed thee's and thous but just talked. I admitted that it had been a while and it was understood that I missed it. Let me just say that this was not like a dream. This felt real as if I were awake. At one point I even thought, should I open my eyes because this felt too real. I saw His face, I felt the comfort of being there with Him. It was love and completely comfortable. Thinking back I can still feel how it was like being next to someone who you have known your whole life and I can feel how I did not want it to end. I believe this was real. The way it felt was way too complex for a dream. We talked for what was understood to be a long time. It wasn't prayers, it was just down to earth two guys just talking. The way I wouldn't feel comfortable talking to anyone else. He wanted to hear about me. What was going on in my life. His interest was so deep and genuine. I seem to remember trying to ask about Him but He just wanted to know about me. I told Jesus that I felt that i could not get through. It was at this point Jesus' face morphed into that of something else. It was not Him anymore. It was the face of something bad, a demon. His face was shaking side to side as if in fast motion blurred like an effect in the movies. The teeth were gnashing. Jesus said that that was what was blocking me and instructed (with the type of authority would expect from Jesus) me to "demand its name in My name" (Jesus' name). I demanded it tell me its name in the name of Jesus. It stated that its name was Azazel. Jesus then instructed me to call it by name and bind it in the name of Jesus. This too was done with complete authority (the kind that has full control of everything). I did and it went away like the flip of a switch. All was clear and peaceful. I did not sleep much at all that night. I woke up the next morning exhausted. I got to work and immediately researched the name Azazel. Many things came up, mostly about the "scapegoat" and tying the sins of Israelites to this one goat to be sent into the woods for Azazel.
I found out that it was a very powerful and high up ranking demon. I could not understand why it was after me. What was the reason for such a high ranking demon to be after me? I prayed on this the next morning and that same voice, the voice of Jesus clearly said "If I can spend time with you, then why do you question why this demon would spend time on you?" I told all of this to Amy who told me later that this demon is probably the one who has been tormenting our whole family. This is the head demon that has been waging spiritual warfare on us all.