In this dream my husband and I arrived at my parents (once again it was my childhood home). Upon arriving the neighbors asked us to move our car, I moved my parents car ; it was a red or burgundy Honda Odyssey Minivan; out of the way and the neighbors threw rocks at it leaving 3 dents. I was quite upset about this and went to complain, while doing so I noticed a ton of fireworks coming from every direction catching things on fire and suddenly alot were heading towards my parents house. I ran inside and told my husband (Alonzo) we had to get my siblings out of the house because it was going to catch fire. We began to gather them and I brought my sister downstairs from her room, I realized all my siblings were very young again(this happened in a previous dream) while Alonzo and I were our current ages. After gathering my siblings a firework hit and the stairs caught fire , Alonzo and I grabbed my siblings and darted out the door. We put them in our car and I noticed now that my parents Honda was completely destroyed and beat down from the fire works yet our car was the same exact car just brand new. Suddenly my parents pulled up, and asked where we were going. I told them we must leave as the house was on fire, my dad wanted to see as from the outside there was no sign of a fire. I walked with him to the door and still ONLY the stairs were ablaze but the fire had grown bigger, he shut the door and I ran back to my car and once outsjde you still could not tell the house had caught fire but it was very gray and dim out due to all the smoke from the fireworks. My mom began to yell at me saying "so you were just going to leave and let my house burn down?! You need to get the water hose and put the fire out!" she was very angry, but i explained my main priority was to get my siblings to safety and that was what we planned to do as it was no longer safe there. My mother continued to yell at me for not putting the fire out ignoring that I was saving her 3 youngest children, and she also began to yell at me for the destruction of her car and blaming me for it. I remember her asking where the keys were and I pointed to my husband and said "Alonzo has the keys" and then I awoke.
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