Background before I give the details of the dream. Journey is one of my favorite bands. Feeling That Way is one of my favorite songs by them. I am married and have a little girl with another on the way. I live an hour and a half from my parents house. I am in the praise band at church (also volunteer help with the youth) and my brother is in the praise band at our home church back home. I am trying to get out of my current profession that deals with me being around athletes (working odd hours) and get into teaching so I can spend time with my family and be a present father and invest in them as well as spend more time investing in the youth group and our small group we are apart of.
The Dream:
The Dream was in color. I am at my parents house and me and my brother are playing guitars in the garage. The appearance and feel is as if we’re playing on a stage in front of a large crowd of people except there’s no one there to listen (no audience) but me and my brother are having a blast doing it. We’re basically playing loud enough that the whole neighborhood can hear it. There’s also another guitarist in the neighborhood playing as well (we know him in real life and have played rock music with him but he doesn’t live in the neighborhood) and we’re having this friendly guitar duel back and forth but can’t really hear him but know he’s there. While this is happening Steve Perry (Former lead singer for Journey) walks in and grabs me by the hand the way a grandparent would and we start singing the chorus to feeling that way (when the summer‘s gone she’ll be there... standing by the light. What she’s been to, where she’s gone to she should know wrong from right. Is she feeling? Are you feeling, you feeling that way to? Or am I just, am I just a fool). He’s smiling and I’m smiling the entire time and it was a good feeling. His appearance was exactly as it is now. He’s older. Then I woke up.
when I came to work today an athlete asked me how I’m feeling? I said good, (thinking about the dream) are you feeling that way too? He said yeah, I got baptized Sunday and recently got saved! I don’t know if this is relevant? He always asks me how I’m feeling. Praise Jesus he got saved!
on another note I have recently heard the guitar part of an AC/DC song while listening to guitar pedal demos on YouTube but when I looked up the lyrics I was immediately turned off. I talked to my wife about it’s hard for me to listen/play music if the lyrics that accompany it are bad/evil in nature. The next week my mother-in-law was in Belk and the associate working there stopped her and said this shirt is $2.99 do you know anyone that would wear it! My mother-in-law would never buy AC/DC if she knew some of their songs but she got it for me (I’ve never mentioned anything about AC/DC to her ever). A week later the worship leader said randomly my playing sounds like AC/DC. I am in no means trying to sound like them or really listen to them due to reasons I’m posting now. When I was in high school (14 years ago) I bought AC/DC Highway To Hell album and my grandma was with me and questioned why I would want to buy such a thing? I said at that time that i liked the music but didn’t listen to the lyrics. I have since thrown the album away. But I say all that to say I’ve had a long battle in wondering if music by itself is evil and at times have thought I can take musical styles some have meant for evil and use it for good. (What if Woodstock was Christian based and you changed every lyric to Christian meaning for example but kept the music the same). These references to AC/DC just took me off guard all happening close together. I don't know if this is related to the dream.
i have also struggled recently with wanting everything I do in life to please God and wonder how do I know if everything I’m doing is exactly that way. I have had other dreams recently as well but this stands out because it peaks my interest with the music overtones. I have been trying to figure out my dreams for around 6 months to a year now. I had this dream last night.