I dreamt I was on the outside, ministering / evangelizing with my mom. Next we walked to a shop, went in and walked up to the guy/owner of the shop who was at the counter and smiling at us. (This guy is a member of a band which played at a bar I used to visit frequently very very long ago and he is someone who is passionate and very good at playing the electric guitar). While the shop didn't look like a music instrument shop (I don't know what it sells), I know he is an expert at playing the guitar so I asked him if there is a good guitar he would recommend to me. He stood up and went to find something. He came back and passed me a string instrument. It was a very special looking instrument similar to a guitar but it's body is more round. There were intricate traditional designs and many colours on it. It didn't feel modern and brand new. It felt like it was traditional, had some age and might be from India. He encouraged me to try playing it. I realise there are so many strings on it. The impression was it had double the normal number strings to a guitar (guitars have 6 strings). I wasn’t sure if I would be able to play it. He said just try. Next moment I started playing a beautiful tune strumming all the strings confidently.. its like I knew exactly how the instrument works without learning and the music would come out exactly how it was supposed to be! I wanted to buy it. My mom was concerned it would be too expensive. I thought to myself this professional instrument could easily cost 5000. I asked for price and the man was willing to sell it to me for 1000. I bought it and brought it home. At home I realise I could not play it anymore. Somehow I came to realise it was because of a curse I have on me unknowingly because of something which I had not done intentionally (I do not remember what it was that I did). I went back to the shop and pleaded with the owner to help remove the curse.
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