I just listened to your dream lab from December 2017 which talked about simultaneous dreams and realized that this may be important! My husband and I had these dreams on the same night. When he told me his, I immediately realized the common thread which was the fact that we both took over a “job” that someone else either wasn’t doing or couldn’t do. We each named our own dream but i named the topic header based on the common thread of our dreams.
“Non typical truck”
My husband Scott had a dream that there was a big hill, like a mountain, and people were trying to haul grocery/food items and hay for horses in a truck. It wasn’t a typical truck - it had a pulley system instead of a motor and it didn’t have brakes. They were losing control of it and running into things so Scott, having a background driving trucks, took over and drove the truck safely up and down the hill. The people were very appreciative that he was able to take it over.
“Find the schedule”
The same night I had a dream that I had taken over a classroom full of kids. I don’t know why the regular teacher was unable to be there or if this was permanent or temporary. I have a background in childcare so I was confident about the job and my skills but it was very important to me that the kids kept the same schedule. The whole dream was me trying to find their daily schedule. I especially wanted to take them outside and I didn’t want to interfere with the other teachers’ schedules.