Dream 9/10/2020
Scene 1
Edward, Robert (my brothers) and I are staying together out of town. The room we are staying in is tiny and dusty. Its cramp with a coach, small fridge and other stuff. Not the best place and looked similar to my childhood home.
In this place I think of how we have limited daylight and time in this town. I look at a map of the island we are on. I suggest to Rob to "make sure they find food. The menu in the restaurants are half English and Chinese so you can still figure what your ordering" I told him.
But for me I had prepared take away food for myself to eat as we are waiting in a limbo/transit in this tiny space (we were in a waiting period I knew). I had one fresh small chicken. I took a wing and offered the boys to eat. "I don't need much." I said. They considered and took some. They were hungry.
There is two more take away box with food in the small fridge. I thought was it full but actually one was almost finish but had sauce left to use. I suggest Ed not to throw it. He doesn't throw it though, he was about to.
Scene 2
There's limited time. I am being driven fast down the main road of a very nice neighborhood from my childhood. And I can't remember the way to the destination!
Scene 3
Finally I arrive at the location. It's a big white spacious apartment/ office facility on ground floor. Trees and greenery is outside. Big glass pane sliding doors to outside. I am with Rose (my spiritual mentor).
She asks "what happened to you??"
I explained "The stage 1 and stage 2 conclusions in my mind came so quickly and now I'm already in stage 3!" (I was shocked at how things happened so fast.)
She really empathized and felt sorry for me.
She says "Do you have 50min to talk it out? Seems like you need it."
"50min or 15min?! 50min is too long Rose!" I replied. There is shortness of time for some reason to get back to my brothers.
Rose: "Can you ride with me then to the next destination?" its her option for her to have more time with me to talk.
I think about it.. and then in front of me is this floating ancient book.
The book opens to a page..."The Godly way of tidyness" with a small passage underneath.
Second page... "The Godly way of cleanliness" with a small passage underneath.
- End of dream