This is a dream that my son has and he wanted to get an interpretation of it.
The door
me and mom and dad and the rest of my family are at valley view church, but something is wrong. my family are not themselves, somehow they're under a trance or something ,only a few people aren't under this trance. me and some other kids one of which is named Alley, i never met the guy but he is one of the people of a few not under the trance. my parents and family went in to this trance when priest or something came and said they wanted to pray or talk to them.I herad from some of the other people that there is a person of great evil some call him a sorcerer
but i say he is a devil a monster. im walking up the stairs that leads to the youth room and i meet this guy, he never says his name but he tells me of a door that this sorcerer stays in but it is very complex to get too.
I ask him to show me where this door is, like he said it was complex we had ro climb our way up but we found it. But When we found it, the whole room was like a big pressure room, i could barely breath and the evil energy coming from that door made the whole room shake. So i ran back i was over taken by fear.
I was missing mom so i went to see her even though that wasn't my real mother,
I asked how she was doing she said fine but it was such a bland way of talking it bored me almost, I had finally made up my mind i was going to face whatever it was in that door upstairs. so i told mom i loved her and it was like she tried to say i love you too but instead she said i dont love you and then idk. That made me furious I yelled "What" but i then realized that she wasn't my real mother at all.
That was the last straw i had no fear of what was in that door it was going to pay for what it had done, so i head back up to the door but this time it was different things had changed when i went upstairs i had to climb more than i had too last time but I climbed all the way up to a door that led to the other door i was trying to get to. So i climb and reach the door and the energy hit me took my breath away and the whole room started shaking, but this time the door i was supposed to go in was way up the wall and i had to climb up..
thats when i woke up