On the 4th Feb this year my husband dreamed this dream and then I had one that I feel linked to it 11 days later.
1st Dream - Husband's.
My husband ask a construction man to buuld something for him, it was sort of a doorframe. The gentleman under estimated the time and had to come back four days in a row to complete then asks for more money because he under estimated. Husband says, "Don't worry I will pay more but I'm not super happy to do so."
Then, the gentleman asks for water. My husband gives it to him on a paper boat and HE isn't pleased.
Then turns to a scene of my husband driving a car, in the dark in rain, drunk (he rarely drinks so odd) and him talking to his sister in the passenger seat. A police car pulls them over and he sees an image of his face distort from a smile to a frown clown face.
My dream 11 days later
Andy (my husband) had handed over this boat to someone who asked him to build it, a huge huge giagantic boat, Titanic size. However, He had made the bottom with paper and sellotape so when it was in the ocean (we were at some sort of port watching) it knocked something and capsized but it made a little tusanami of destruction as if it was metal! It caused destruction! So all other vehicles that were somehow on the sea too at the port edge were all on top of each other. Though it was bright and light and it was like everyone just got on with the weird chaos.