Disclaimer: If you don't know what disc golf is, it is the same thing as Frisbee golf but the discs are designed to have different purposes (putters, mid-range discs and drivers). In this dream I will reference discs several times so I wanted to be clear on what those were.
At the start of my dream, I remember having just come from dinner with my dad (Jim) and my older brother (Caleb). My dad wanted to take us guys out to dinner and a movie. We had just finished dinner and were waiting for our movie (which wasn't starting until 11:00 pm) when my dad said to us both, "I want to get you guys anything you want. Go ahead and find something for around $50 and I will get whatever it is you want." I began to walk around the mall area that we were at and found myself inside of a second hand store. Inside the store I was drawn to a couple of boxes of disc golf discs (Frisbees). I thought I would just find something from there to add to my collection of discs. I looked at every single one of them and I remember being disappointed that I didn't want any of them. So then I continued looking through the store until I noticed a door open in the back of the store. The type of door consumers don't go in because it is likely storage for the store owner. I went through it anyway out of curiosity. When I got inside I noticed the room was FILLED with extremely rare and valuable items. A collection of items in-particular stood out to me. It was a stack of disc golf discs and they were emitting a glow of light drawing me to them. I grabbed the first two discs and they were identical in every way. There were words printed on them but I cannot remember what they said. I do remember that they were both orange in the center flat part of the disc and purple on the rim of the discs. I said to myself, "I wish I could throw these because they feel amazing in my hand". The store owner noticed me and said, "feel free to take those outside and throw them in the field behind the store, there is an exiting door right next to you". So I went outside excited to throw the discs. When I through them, I was overwhelmed by how PERFECTLY they flew. In the sport of disc golf, this is a very important thing. They went exactly where I wanted them to go. I immediately knew I wanted them both. *Side note, I am right handed and threw them with my right hand* So then I took the 2 discs (as well as one other that I don't remember anything about) to the counter to buy. I remember looking at the price of the disc's and they were listed for $14.95 each. A standard cost for a disc. I told the owner that my dad would be by to purchase the discs soon and that I would be by later to pick them up. Later I came back and asked the owner if my dad had been by to purchase the discs and he said, "Yes he came by. He was a little thrown off because he wasn't expecting to pay so much for them." I said, "what do you mean, the price on the discs was $14.95 for each one and my dad agreed to buy me anything I wanted for $50. The owner replied, "Yes that is the listed price, but these are extremely rare discs." He continued, "The price listed is the stock price sticker they put on every disc, but these particular discs are one of a kind and they are far more valuable than a normal disc; But your dad bought them for you anyway." I remember being frustrated by the false advertising but extremely grateful that my dad was so generous anyway. I thanked the owner for the transaction and encouraged him to put the proper display prices on his items in the future and left to go to the 11:00pm movie. Then I woke up.