I believe it was snowing. I saw someone I knew from high school named Jason walking across parking lot with no shirt than came back with jacket on. My wife and I were in parking lot and she was trying to get our son in the car. He ran off and I got him then brought him back to car for her to put him in. I said something about if she’d just not let him go. She got so angry she wanted to hit me so I let her and she started beating me up. We were ready to end our relationship. Suddenly we were in these old buildings. An old woman and a young black boy recommended we look at this plant in the next room which the room was like a planetariaum. I went in first and knew immediately which plant they spoke of. It was a green plant that was actually two plants that had mixed. They had each other’s colors which included gold white and purple. I immediately started crying and wanted to get back together. Bet went in and saw the plant. Afterwards when we talked it didn’t seem to affect her like it did me.
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