I’m a passenger in a jeep wrangler type vehicle with 5 other passengers. It stops to pick up 2 other passengers who were foreigners. These two started speaking to me in an unknown accent/language which confused me. Jeep stops and everyone got out except me and now I’m driving to the mall to pick up my aunt (who is deceased in real life) and uncle.
While driving, I stopped to let people cross, and on the side of the road is a hill or a mountain which was covered with tall trees and there was a one lane road up. Off-roading vehicles are coming down one by one. I got tempted to drive up but as I turned right and moved up a little bit, I got scared how steep the road up is, and it looks like a long road uphill. (in real life, I fear driving up steep roads). So I turned back down and there was already a barricade to the original path and I had to reroute a little bit right straight to get to the parking structure of the mall where I’m supposed to pick up my uncle and aunt. I was supposed to pick them up at a certain time and I would be late if I continued driving off road. The kids that are guiding traffic were frustrated and complained “now they’re getting home late” because of the traffic.
Note: Everything in the dream is black and white except for the trees and the road uphill.